Inks Lake State Park Campout
Oct. 21-22, 2023
Our first Fall campout this year is October 21-22 (Sat-Sun)
3630 Park Rd 4 W, Burnet, TX 78611
TWO STEP SIGNUP (by Sunday, October 15):
1) Pay for food below
2) Go to the SignUpGenius page for select your campsite and volunteer
1. Food Payment
2. Sign Up and Volunteer:
Inks Lake State Park is a beautiful and very popular park north-west of Austin. Due to park and camping popularity, we were only able to secure 10 campsites and they are spread-out a little more than in the past; however, most of our fun happens around our basecamp so it should still be a lot of fun!
We have 10 campsites for Saturday night so we can accommodate 15-20 families, depending on tent sizes. The person hauling the trailer will pick a central campsite to use as a basecamp for the group meals and campfire. We are able to double up at campsites, depending on tent sizes. If your tent is larger than a standard 4-person tent, please note this on the SignupGenius page. Luckily, Inks Lake does not use small tent pads so there shouldn't be an issues.
$10 per person pays for meals and includes snacks and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Note there is no longer a separate campout fee, just the food fee.
There is usually a hike in the afternoon before we all get together to start cooking dinner around 5pm on Saturday evening. Everyone lends a hand to prepare, cook and clean up before we enjoy s'mores around the campfire. We will have other games, skits, songs, or activities for the scouts throughout the day and evening. Sunday morning we'll have breakfast, pack up campsites, and clean up the area before heading out.
Emails will be sent out to the pack prior to the event. After the signup deadline has passed and through the duration of the event, use the following group chat to get or share important information or questions. Cell signals at the park may be spotty, so responses the day of the campout might be delayed.
You can pay for your meals through Paypal on this page. If you have any additional questions or special requests, please contact Vance Toth.
In case of any emergencies, Ascension Seton Highland Lakes is located about 20 minutes away, in Burnet, TX.
Saturday Night: 58, 83, 91, 214, 231, 237, 262, 269, 282, 286
Note: Sites 262 and 269 (blue on the map below) are available for early arrival. One of these will likely be used as basecamp where the trailer will be located.
Arrival: Try to arrive by 2:00PM. Typically, you will need to pay the park entrance fee which is around $7 per adult, children 12 and younger are free. Campsite check-in opens at 2:00pm. Sites may be available earlier but cannot be guaranteed. It depends on when the previous campers leave. You may arrive earlier and enjoy the park until you are able to check-in. If you are going to arrive later than 4:00, please notify the leaders so we can make sure the park headquarters is aware.
Because the campsites are spread out this year, please choose a site on the signup genius page so families do not have to drive around the park trying to identify one of our sites that has space.
Basecamp: Campsite 269
Saturday Afternoon: Meet at the basecamp by 2:00pm. Hike will start shortly afterwards. We will likely drive over to the parking lot near Devil's Waterhole. More information will be provided as logistics get worked out.
Click here for the Park Map
Click here for the Trail Map
For more information about gear to bring or do's and don'ts on campouts, please visit the event FAQ page.