Annular Solar Eclipse
Oct. 14, 2023 @11:00am
We are on to our second event of the year on Oct 14. Hope you all can make it to this celestial event and make it a fun event.
What is this event?
We have an annular solar eclipse happening on Oct 14 (Saturday) which is crossing through Texas. Austin is close to the path of the annular eclipse and we might even see a ring of fire. We as a pack will get together to view this celestial event. This will be an awe-inspiring experience to see and understand the two biggest objects Sun and moon, we see in our sky. The eclipse starts at 10:23, reaches maximum at 11:52 and ends at 1:33 PM.
Event: Annular Solar Eclipse Viewing
Date/Time: Oct 14, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Where: Trailhead Park at 10984 Boulder ln Austin TX 78726. We will watch the eclipse from the soccer field in the park.
What to bring: Dress well to protect from sun and bring a SAFETY FIRST attitude :-)
What does the Pack provide: We will provide eclipse viewing glasses. We will provide drinks (Juice, soft drinks and water)
Cost: Free
Please note SAFETY is utmost priority and you are responsible for your's and your kids' safety. Never look in the sky without the viewing glasses during this event.Please go through these safety instructions and educate all attendees before the event.
Safety Instructions:
How do I sign up?
Please sign up below so we know the count of people attending and make necessary arrangements (eclipse glasses and drinks). There is no fee to attend the event.
Educational Resources on Oct 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse: